Summer Greetings to our AWANA families!
We are excited to announce the start to a new AWANA year on September 6th at Grace Church of Harmony (6:15 p.m.-8 p.m.). A registration form is attached for you to print and bring to the first AWANA club night that your child attends. Registration forms will also be available that night and it is not necessary to turn in a registration form ahead of time.
Cubbies: pre K (2 years before Kindergarten) --meets in the main church building, second floor
Sparks: Kindergarten-grade 2--meets in the Youth Center (gym) at the beginning of the evening, pick up at 8 in the church basement
TnT: grades 3-6--meets in the Youth Center (gym) at the beginning of the evening and pick up in the same place at 8 p.m.
Small groups will also be available during AWANA for grades 7-12 led by Youth Pastor Nick Prugar. These groups will have separate emails about schedules and topics. If you are interested and are not yet on the "Crosstrainers" email list from Pastor Nick, please email him at
If you have any questions, please respond to this email or contact Rick Voegtly at (412)812-1717 or Cindy Speck at (724)814-4508.