Christmas Poinsettias Orders are due, TODAY!
It’s time to order your poinsettias for Christmas. Please make your check payable to “Grace Church” or attach cash to the order form and place it in the offering plate. The cost for each flower is $9.50. Order forms are available in the Welcome Center.
Southwest Butler Food Cupboard Angel Tree
Gift tags with child's age and wish are available to pick up in the Welcome Center. Please keep the gifts in the range of $20 – 25. Do NOT wrap the gifts. Please bring the gift with tag attached to the Welcome Center by December 3. Thank you!
Save the Date!
The Christmas Cantata will be held on December 23rd and 24th.
Save the Date!
Women and girls of all ages, please join us for fellowship, a service project, food, and games to celebrate the Christmas season. Saturday, December 2 from 9-10:30. Sign-up in the Welcome Center. $5 suggested donation.