A Congregational re-vote for Pastor Nick Prugar to fill the position of Senior Pastor will be held NEXT Sunday, March 16 at 9:30am. For members that are unable to attend that vote, individual voting will be held on March 23 and March 30 in the welcome center at 9:00-9:30am and 12:00-12:30pm. If you are unable to vote in person, please call the office for a mail in ballot.
Second Sunday Social
Come join in for food and fellowship TODAY after second service. Please bring a food item to share with others—NO NUTS.
Camp Scholarships
Grace Church of Harmony provides Camp Scholarships to children of all families who regularly attend our church. This is not a need-based scholarship. If you have a child who is planning to attend Seneca Hills Bible Camp this summer, call the church office for the code 724-452-7270.
Ministry Opportunities
There is one ministry in need of help:
Christian education director, basically a Sunday School coordinator Contact Tom Kristophel if interested.
Looking for a piano?
We have three acoustic pianos to give away. If you would like more information, please contact Tanya Satteson (, or text/call at 216-338-1099) by February 28th.
Lenten Supper and Service
The meal will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by a service from 6:05-6:20. This week’s meal will be Hawaiian sandwiches, chicken noodle soup, veggies & dip, and Texas sheet cake. Next week’s meal will be ham barbecue, mac and cheese, applesauce, and cupcakes.
Hymn Sing
The church is invited to a Lenten hymn sing on Sunday evening, March 30th at 4:00 P.M. in the sanctuary. We will sing a very special selection of cross-themed hymns accompanied by piano and organ. Please invite children, grandchildren, family and friends as together we consider afresh the wonder of the saving love of God. A light dinner and dessert will follow in the fellowship hall. We are so looking forward to joining hearts and voices in praise of the cross of Jesus. If you have any questions, please contact Reid Moon at 724-816-2035.
Women’s Craft Workshop
Please join us Saturday, March 29 from 2-4 PM. Decor and More from right here in Harmony will be leading us in a project we can take home. All materials are included for $17. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Please sign up in advance in the welcome center. Space is limited. Invite a friend!
Looking for a book club
The women’s ministry is looking to see in there is interest in a once-a-month book club. If yes, please contact Heather Shriver.
Men’s Breakfast
A Men’s Breakfast will be held on April 5th at 8:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. Pastor Nick Prugar will be the speaker. His talk is titled… “The Power of Prayer.” Please sign up online here or in the Welcome Center. Breakfast is $10.