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Bulletin: 9.29.24

Writer: Thomas HavranekThomas Havranek

Ladies Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Starting this Tuesday, October 1, previously in our Tuesday evening study, we looked at Esther, and enjoyed learning about her from a different perspective. This autumn our study will take a look at Ezra and Nehemiah as well as a review of Esther. What a fascinating time in Israel’s life and history! We will meet in B2 at 7:00 pm. Any questions, ask Elaine Wise or Marilyn Weyman.

60+ Pool

Thursdays 6:30 – 8:30pm starting October 1st / If you are over 60 and like to shoot pool, join us on Thursdays in the youth center! Contact Mike Stoffel for more information:724-971-8496

Women’s Fall Bonfire

All women are invited to a fall evening outdoors at the home of Putz Hartzell. Friday, October 4 at 7pm. S'mores will be provided but please bring your own chair to sit by the fire. Invite a friend or come meet a new friend at this laid-back women's social gathering! (Rain date - October 11) 495 Brownsdale Road, Renfrew PA.

Second Sunday Social

October 13 after second service / Join in for food and fellowship. Please bring a food item to share with others – NO NUTS.

Help Wanted

Harmony's Sleepy Hollow Festival Saturday, October 12 from 10am-4pm. We plan to have a tent in front of the church on the square on Main Street. We will have candy to pass out to the children, a simple game, as well as church information pamphlets. Please sign up for a one-hour time slot to be at our table to greet families. Serve with your family or friends! Our goal in participating is for our church to have a presence in the community. We can take this opportunity to introduce Grace to those who are visiting Harmony, with the hopes that they will return to attend our services or other programs! Have questions or to sign up - please contact Cheryl Prouty (330-219-6077)

Hymn Sing

The church is invited to a congregational hymn sing on Sunday evening, November 3rd at 4:00 P.M. in the sanctuary. Please invite friends and family... the more voices the better. A finger food/dessert will follow in the fellowship hall. We are so looking forward to this special of praise and fellowship together. If you have any questions, please contact Reid Moon at 724-816-2035.


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